It’s been a great summer, but the countdown to the first day of school has begun! Soon, it will be time for back-to-school shopping and first day preparation.
Here are a few ideas to make sure your kids are excited about the upcoming school year.
The “First Day of School” Photo
On the first day of school, have your child stand outside in their first day of school outfit of choice, and take some shots of them. A great idea is to use a pre-made dry erase board and fill your child’s current grade, age, and likes for the pic. This yearly shot will make for great memories as the years go by!

Back to School T-shirt
This great idea by @wherethesmileshavebeen uses your child’s handprints to track their growth! This is a fun (and messy) tradition that will keep your kids excited about getting ready for their first day of school.

Back to School Fashion Show
For a lot of children, the most exciting part of going back to school is showing off their new school clothes! A great idea is to invite the family over and let the kids put on a fashion show showing off their new outfits right in the middle of the living room!

School Bus Cake
One I have not tried myself, but have heard of others doing, is the tradition of having a school bus shaped cake yearly the day before school starts. This could work with lunch or dinner, and can incorporate grandparents or other family members! Here is a school bus cake by @dosaygive.

Back to School Time Capsule
Grab a box with a lid and have your child write his or her height, clothing size, shoe size, and favorite summer memory. Bury the box in the backyard (or put it away in the basement), take it out the last day of school, and let your kids see how much they have changed during the year.

Back to School Dinner Party
Give the kids something to look forward to after their first day of school by planning a back to school dinner party. Conversation can be centered around the highs and lows of the first day of school. Let the kids help you plan the theme, decor, and menu, and let this be a tradition your family looks forward to year after year!

First Day of School Morning Tradition
A really fun First Day of School tradition is to have your kids wake up to a special breakfast. During the school year, breakfasts are probably more rushed and convenient, rather than planned and cooked fresh. Use this opportunity of sitting with your kids having breakfast to calm their nerves and talk about all the things they are excited about for the day. This fun breakfast idea by @vivaveltoro is easy and fun with a stack of pancakes, fruit, and fun signs!

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