So, it’s time to put together this year’s bulletin board for your classroom … exciting, yet daunting! You want to create a display that is totally customized and unique, but what’s the best way to do that without overthinking and stressing?
A good bulletin board should be welcoming and happy. It should also engage and empower your students. You want your board to serve many purposes, to be informative and creative.
Creating your board should be fun! Here are some no-stress ideas to help you complete your bulletin board … professionally and easily!
Start in the hallway!
Start the theme of your classroom before your students even enter the room!
One idea I love is to give a little information about you as the teacher. Pop a picture of yourself with your name and a small bio, and leave room for your students to put up information about themselves. I love this “About Me” bulletin board by @sparkcreativity. It’s amazing for the hallway outside of your room because it gives a glimpse into who you are before students even enter the room.

Keep up the same boarders all year!
Double up your boarders to add interest. Layering a border for a bulletin board accomplishes multiple goals. It creates a unique look and personalized touch that is different from anyone else’s. Doubling your boarders also creates a uniform look. Using different, complimentary patterns can create interesting, eye-catching designs.
Now that your boarders don’t need to be constantly changed, it is easy and quick to simply change out students’ work monthly or update student’s pictures throughout the year. This idea from @primarily speaking is amazing! It adds visual interest while keeping it simple and allowing flexibility during the year.

Keep it simple!
Remember, less is more … this board from @teachinginhighheels is awesome! It provides a great basis to change the students’ assignments you want to highlight intermittently. What a great incentive for students to know that their hard work will be rewarded by being hung and displayed!

Keep it current!
It is so important to keep your bulletin board current. A “Welcome Back” display will only last the first two to three weeks of school. A snowman or Christmas board should only be displayed between late November and early January. If you are not someone who enjoys changing up your bulletin board, try to stay away from displays that need to stay updated. Here is a great idea for a winter display by @luckylittle learners that students can make themselves as an art project!

Keep it encouraging
One way to keep a positive aura in your classroom is to have an Affirmation Station! This station can be put on your bulletin board or anywhere in your classroom! Students can have a daily mantra of saying the affirmations as a group, or if a student is a little down, they have the option to go, look in the mirror, and say positive, encouraging words to themselves. I love this affirmation bulletin board idea by @stephaniegarcia, and this affirmation mirror station by @sophiawin.

Keep it age appropriate
Middle and high school students do not want to come into a classroom that looks like it was decorated for a preschooler. Be sure to keep your classroom age appropriate when it comes to designing your bulletin board. One idea is to give your bulletin board the theme of the subject you teach. Here is an example of a board in a high school math class by @kaylathompson. Another idea for a board, which is by an unknown source, is to clearly set out the goals for the year in a fun, colorful way.

I hope these back-to-school bulletin board ideas get you excited about decorating your classroom for the upcoming school year. Remember … designs do not have to be elaborate or stressful … and less is more!
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