Easter! The date may change every year, but it continues to come around quickly and catch most of us off guard. Even though Easter may not take as much preparation as other holidays, we want to be sure our children can enjoy it! Easter is a holiday that all ages can participate in … from our young toddlers to our teenagers. Here are some great ideas to celebrate through the ages!

Oh, the joy of Easter through a toddler’s eyes! Toddlers may not comprehend the how’s and why’s of the Easter tradition, but they can enjoy the holiday by participating in age-appropriate Easter activities to stimulate their understanding.
Easter Baskets … soft items such as stuffed bunnies, soft books, stickers, puzzles, crayons, coloring books, … all are great ideas to include in a toddler’s Easter basket. https://amzn.to/3ISm9gv https://amzn.to/3m2nQ1O
Easter Eggs … Dyeing eggs can get messy with toddlers! Be sure to dress them in clothes that you don’t mind getting stained, and put them on a surface where splatters can be easily cleaned. Consider using fake eggs (https://amzn.to/3ZnemN7), washable paints (https://amzn.to/3ZB9F2r), and even Kool-Aid to color eggs.
Easter Egg Hunt … Put together a simple egg hunt for your toddlers by placing eggs around the house or yard in not-so-hidden areas. Tell them how many eggs are hidden, and the approximate area in which they will be. Count with your toddler as they find the eggs, and celebrate each one they find. There are many things you can fill the eggs with other than candy … sidewalk chalk, finger puppets, stickers, fruit snacks, and even a baggie of his or her favorite snack will make for a great surprise!
Easter Bunny … Be sure to find your local Easter bunny and get a snapshot of your little one. Even if your toddler is not a fan of this new creature, a crying picture will bring back memories as they get older.
Real Meaning of Easter … Toddlers are not too young to understand the real meaning of Easter. Explain to them that Easter is the celebration of God’s love for them!
Preschool – Elementary

By the time children reach preschool age, they are able to look forward to Easter. Children this age will have expectations about how they will celebrate the day. They will remember the activities of years past, and look forward to baskets, egg coloring and hunts, or dinner with family.
Easter Baskets … Children this age will not need as many soft items in their Easter basket. Items such as matchbox cars (https://amzn.to/3YM7M23), art supplies (https://amzn.to/3yBU3Ac), fun socks (https://amzn.to/3JCMxLJ), sunglasses(https://amzn.to/3JhQq78), books, jelly beans, and lollipops are great ideas for children in this age range.
Crafts … Kids in this age bracket love crafts! Try making a homemade spring wreath for the front door, make rabbits out of marshmallows, or draw and cut out a cross which includes facts about the real meaning of Easter.
Easter Egg Hunt… Elementary school children still love searching for Easter eggs, but at this age the search can get more exciting and extensive. Put together a scavenger hunt with clues written on the eggs; fill the eggs with not-so-ordinary prizes such as coupons to use for extra ice cream or 10 extra minutes of tv!
Easter Bunny … By this age, children enjoy taking pictures with the Easter Bunny! Whether they still believe that he is real or not, the joy of sitting next to him for a picture does not fade!
Real Meaning of Easter … Elementary school aged children can grasp that Easter is the celebration of Jesus expressing His love for them! While on Earth, Jesus loved them so much that He was raised from the dead to go to heaven! Jesus loves children very much, and died and rose for their sins!

It is so fun to celebrate Easter with your tween or teen! Although they may be getting older, we can still help them find ways to make Easter exciting!
Easter Baskets … You may not be able to find an Easter basket that your teen would like in the aisle of your local store, but you can put one together that encompasses exactly what they would love! Items such as movie passes, wireless earphones or chargers, jewelry/accessories, or even gift cards are gifts that teenagers would love to see in a themed basket!
Family Dinner … Have your teens help plan the perfect menu for Easter dinner. Let them be in charge of making their favorite dish! Not one for formal Easter dinners? Let your teens help prepare a big breakfast … bunny shaped pancakes are something that your teen can prepare alone or with minimal help!
Easter Egg Hunt… Your teen may not be quick to admit it, but he or she would be all for an Easter egg hunt, if the eggs were filled with items to their liking. Coupons such as “This is good for one night of not washing dishes.”, or “This is good for one night of adding an extra 30 minutes to curfew.”
Real Meaning of Easter … Tweens and teens are now at the age where they can fully understand what Easter means. Explain to them that Jesus came to Earth in the form of a baby, and grew up to be a man. He was nailed to the cross and died. Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave. That is why our sins can be forgiven, and we can go to heaven!

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