It’s that time of year again! The hot, steamy summer days are winding down, and cooler weather is making its entrance. A lot of us are looking forward to turning down the air conditioning and saving on our energy bill, as well as bringing out the fall sweaters and fashionable boots. However, most children are getting their mind excited for Halloween!
Halloween is a holiday that can be difficult to ignore … even for Christians! Decorations and costumes are in the windows of most stores, and our children’s schools are planning for Halloween dances and trick or treating.
Most Christian parents, despite how we celebrated the holiday growing up, have tried to help their children understand that Halloween is not a holiday their families observe. However, as our children get older, how can we help them enjoy the festivities without going too far into the fear aspect of the holiday?
Here are some tips and tricks that I have learned with my own children. We have come up with our way of enjoying the holiday, and hopefully, these ideas will help you as well!
Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Simply do a Google search for “Pumpkin Patch Near Me”, and you will easily find your local farmer’s market or orchard that has a pumpkin patch! There are several types of pumpkin patches. Some are simply for finding and buying pumpkins, where others have activities like hayrides, petting zoos, and train rides! Depending on how many pumpkins you plan to buy (or how many tired little feet you have with you), it may be a good idea to bring a wagon.

Since the notion of carving a pumpkin can be connected to pagan roots, there are many no-carve techniques to decorate your pumpkins! This idea by @jacolynmurphy is the cutest pumpkin dressed up like Elvis!

This pumpkin, decorated by @Graciella, has been painted to be Stitch from the movie Lilo and Stitch.

This last adorable no-carve pumpkin has been painted and decorated to resemble a pumpkin spice latte. It is by @angelareeder.
Have a Gratitude Pumpkin
Another fun way to incorporate pumpkins into the holiday season without carving them is to have a gratitude pumpkin. This super cute idea comes from @outuponthewaters. She recommends putting a pumpkin outside on a front porch or doorstep. Each day, family members write one thing they are grateful for in permanent marker. By the end of the month, you have a great reminder of all your blessings!

Put out Fun Yard Signs

Another idea is to put a fun sign in your yard! Here are yard signs by @shelbyputnam and @kristenlandon that you can make at home that shares your faith and keeps the fun.

Other yard signs I’ve seen around Halloween that bring God into the season simply states,
Put out a “Happy Scarecrow”
Another way to have your child feel festive without putting out scary decorations is to buy or make your own “happy scarecrow”. Scarecrows have been used as fall decoration for years, and can be more inviting than off-putting. This scarecrow by @shopfuturestandard is so detailed and cute. It makes kids feel like their house is “fun” without hanging ghosts and witches.

Another version of a happy scarecrow is to take an old whisk broom, turn it upside down, and attach a happy face to it. These brooms make the perfect not-scary decoration! This example by @cahierjosephine is perfect for any fall theme!

Turn Halloween Candy into God-centered Crafts
Candy corn is one of the most popular treats for the season. Instead of passing it out to trick-or-treaters, why not turn your children’s love of candy corn into a fun family craft! Most Christians believe that just like there are 3 colors in candy corn, there are 3 parts of God’s Trinity … God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. This idea by @BeccasBibleClass is to use printables of candy corn to hang, decorate, and design. Explain to children that like candy corn is one candy with three parts, God is one person with three parts.

Another candy idea is to make bags for trick-or-treaters that are a little different from the norm. Include small notes to get people thinking. One idea is to have your candy bag note say, “Candy is sweet, but Jesus is sweeter.” This ideas by @latter-dayvillage and @southernmomdays are great ways of celebrating that Jesus is the sweetest gift we have been given!

It’s hard to keep our kids completely away from Halloween festivities. From school parties to store windows, Halloween is all around us from late August through the end of October. Let’s remember to let God’s light and kindness shine through us no matter what the holiday or season; only then, will we teach our children to keep faith, values, and humanity at the forefront of their lives.
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