There is something so comforting and warm about vintage, Victorian names. When I think of the name of my grandmother, and even my great grandmother, I get a flood of memories from my early years.
Memories of times where life was simpler … home-cooked meals, children playing outside, spending more quality time with family and friends. These are memories that are so precious and too easily lost.
The 1800s and early 1900s had beautiful, elegant names for girls that have since lost their popularity. I love the idea of reusing some names that have not been popular in years, but are yet so timeless and beautiful.
Here is an A-Z list of my favorite vintage, not-so-old-fashioned names for girls, with their meanings:
Anastasia – “Resurrection”, Greek, popular in 1920s
Beatrice -“Blessed one”, Latin, popular 1900-1920
Cambria – “The people”, Welsh, popular 1880-1920
Dorothea – “Gift of God”, Greek, popular 1880-1920
Eliza – “God is satisfaction”, Hebrew, popular in late 1800s
Faith – “Devotion”, English, popular 1920-1930
Genevieve – “Fair one”, French, popular 1910-1920
Hazel – “God has seen”, British”, popular in 1890s
Ivy – “Vine” Greek, popular mid-1900s
Julia – “Youthful”, Latin, popular 1900-1930
Katherine – “Pure”, Greek, popular 1910-1920
Lucille -“Light”, French, popular 1920-1930
Marigold – “Golden flower”, English, popular late 1800s – early 1900s
Nellie – “Sun ray”, Latin, popular late 1800s
Opal – “Precious stone”, Sanskrit, popular 1800-1820
Page – “Young helper”, French, popular mid-1800s
Rosemary – “Dew of the sea”, Latin, popular 1920s
Samantha – “God has heard”, Hebrew, popular 1880s-1950s
Trudy – “Universal strength”, German, popular since 1930s
Una – “One”, “Only”, Latin, popular 1890-1900
Violet – “Purple”, Latin, popular early 1900s
Winifred – “Holy”, “Blessed”, Welsh/English, popular mid-1920s
Xara – “Princess”, “Blossom”, Arabic, popular in Medieval Spanish cultures
Yvette – “Yew” (a type of plant), French, popular 1950 – 1960

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