From the time we find out we are pregnant, we envision the life we want our children to have. Our goal is to have them grow up healthy, happy, and to become great members of society. We want our children to know they are loved, and to grow up secure and self-confident.
We might imagine the career they will grow up to have or the college they will choose. Or we may daydream the person they may marry, and all the amazing opportunities we want to provide for them.
We all want our children to have a life better than we had. We want our children to have a better education or be more travelled. All of us want our children to know that we are always there for them in whatever aspect they may need.
Some parents decide right away that homeschooling is the best option for their family. Others figure out the best school systems near them and make plans to live in that allotted area.
Children are not born brilliant … they are taught to be brilliant.
With a little effort, we can all make sure that our children have the best start educationally. Here are the top 5 things you can teach your children before preschool to make sure they have the best start possible. All steps are important, but the last step is the game changer!
1. Confidence
Confidence is one of the most important keys to a child’s success. Children are not born with a mindset of confidence; confidence is taught. Children must be taught that their opinions and ideas are important. They must be taught that what they have to say is valued and taken seriously.
Children who are confident have strong bonds with their family and strong emotional attachments. Confident children also enjoy age-appropriate independence … dressing themselves or participating in extracurricular activities.
A child who is confident has a great head start on life!
2. Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities are activities that take place outside of school and not during normal school hours. They are important because they give children an opportunity to make new friends and experience new surroundings. These activities can be related to sports, music, nature, or whatever the child seems to enjoy.
Extracurricular activities make a child curious and observant, which in turn creates a well-rounded child. Well-rounded children want to be successful, which develops in them a love for learning!
Extracurricular activities for girls – My Brilliant Child Extracurricular activities for boys – My Brilliant Child
3. Conversation
It is so important to talk to your children! When we think about it, do we really talk to and hold conversations with our children, or do we simply use baby talk or give instructions without explanations?
Children who know that their parents are truly interested in their lives develop consistency and life balance. Questions can go beyond, “How was your day?” Try, “What did you learn in school today?” Or “What did you enjoy and dislike about your day today?”
Open ended questions promote a child’s language development, and gives them confidence in conversations with teachers and peers.
4. Early Learning
Children are born with a natural curiosity! We can shape and satisfy this curiosity in our children by teaching them the joy of learning!
Studies show that young children who get a head start in early learning have a greater chance of performing well throughout their school life. The younger a child is, the better the time is to teach them how to love learning. Learning is fun! With a little effort and the right tools, parents can encourage their children to enjoy learning!
Toddlers as young as 18 months to 2 years old can learn their alphabet, numbers, colors, and many other preschool level skills. Using repetition, flash cards, games, and incorporating a lot of praise, even toddlers can master preschool level requirements.
5. Phonics and Reading
The number one, most important way to prepare your children for brilliance is to teach them to read!
Reading is the foundation and step stool to all other areas of a child’s education.
Let’s think about it … Reading builds confidence! It builds language development! Reading gives children independence! A child who reads develops curiosity and gains information about the world!
Reading is the most important step in making your child smart! The easiest way to make your children great readers is to teach them phonics. When children understand age appropriately the breakdown of words, they are unstoppable!
Children are not born smart … they are taught to be smart!
There is no magic pill to having a smart child; it requires parental effort. However, if you as a mom or dad, put in a little work to help your child in these areas … You have put your child on the path to soar!
4 Steps to Teach Your Child to Read in 30 Days – My Brilliant Child

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